SPD4459 Meow Cafe ~ By Avery Liu
I love SPD4459 SPD4459 is my favourite SPD4459 is about cafe and Tea
琴日同個班朋友上左去Cafe Idea食個飯,由於太多食客,所以上去前要打電話訂位先,依間CAFE係以貓做主題的。不同其他CAFE, 淨係上去玩。 依間CAFE係為一班愛貓之人而設,上去嘅人都係為左目見貓貓可愛一面!
Yesterday, my friend and i went to Cafe Idea to have a dinner. Since this cafe is quiet famous, thus always fully occupied, it is highly suggested that pre-order seats are required before go to this cafe. ÇUTE CAT is the theme of this cafe, this cafe is operated for cat fans. there are numbers of cats in this cafe, each of them are cute, nice and friendly to customers.
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD445Yau Tsim Mong Cafe S SPD4
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值得一讚,依間CAFE 嘅侍應比起其他CAFE嘅侍應有禮貌得多! 每隻侍應都會主動嚟嗲你,迎接你 。
Waiter is this cafe is quiet nice and efficiency. Each cat waiter would approach you actively and welcome you.
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炸雞軟骨係我其中一樣幾鐘意食嘅食物,因為軟 骨的口感同咬下去嘅聲音,真係好正! - 雖然見佢賣相好似炸到好燶,但食落又唔會覺得乾,幾好味
Chicken cartilage is one of my favourite food,as i love the sound and textile of cartilage when I chew it seems that its a bit over-fired. however it's not really dry at all, and quiet delicious
雞脾就食得多,周街都可以食到。反而鴨脾就少地方叫到嚟食。 因為熱氣的問題,令到我本身吾想叫炸野食, 但因為比隻蜜糖鴨脾吸引住嘅問題,所以叫左。
個鴨脾幾好食,加上蜜糖更好食@@ 薯角係即炸的@@都幾好味!
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It seems that we always eat chicken leg a lot. As in Hong Kong, restaurant or fast food chain tends to be more favor to see chicken instead of Duck, thus I had ordered a Honey duck leg with fired french fries. It's quiet good for the duck leg with honey sauce as accompany.
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甜品則有雪糕糯米糍..+$15有藍莓芝士蛋糕, 我叫左個藍莓慕斯蛋糕, 味道清爽,不太甜,值得加$15蚊去試下
For the dessert we had ordered a blueberry Cheese cake, it taste remarkable! It's not really sweet, and it quiet flesh and melt in your mouth! it's worth to add $15 to try it.
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星期一,三至日: 13:00-01:00
星期二: 18:00-01:00
服務類型:西式 / 咖啡茶室 / 酒吧 / 酒店餐廳 / 飲o野傾計
Yau Tsim Mong Cafe S SPD4
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SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Yau Tsim Mong ; YTM ; cafe ; coffee ; tea ; food and beverage
Yau Tsim Mong Cafe S SPD4
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it's so cute!!!