Cafe Express located on the lobby level is informal all-day restaurant providing customers with a casual breakfast, brunch, light lunch or a deluxe dinner.
位於酒店大堂的Cafe Express是正規全日餐廳,為客戶提供了一個休閒的早餐,早午餐,清淡的午餐或晚餐的豪華。
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Featuring abundant lighting with high ceiling while neighboring the ultra spacious guest lobby of the Hotel, Cafe Express touches customer with its simple, yet elegant design that gives a warm sensation though its unique interior design with the use of the oak woods.擁有豐富的照明,高天花板,而鄰近的酒店超寬敞的客房,大堂,咖啡亭倒是客戶提供簡單而優雅的設計,給人一種溫暖的感覺,雖然它與使用的櫟樹林獨特的室內設計。
Cafe Express is famous for it's oyster.. There was hardly any variety and if you do not eat oysters do not come here as I guess all the good reviews are based on oyster lovers who really have value for money I guess as there was a selection of oysters and apparently tasted quite good.
Cafe Express 以牡蠣最為出名。蠔的種類甚多,在這裏食蠔真是物超所值啊,這些蠔既肥美,亦是新鮮即開的,很新鮮!
Caramel custard, macarons, tiramisu, sawdust pudding - these four desserts taste good, the most outstanding is the caramel custard, crunchy outside, custard very slippery!
焦糖燉蛋、馬卡龍、tiramisu、木糠布甸 - 這四款甜品的味道不錯,最出色是焦糖燉蛋,外面脆脆的,燉蛋很滑﹗
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this melted Raclette Cheese also known as 10X cheese, is one of the signature dish of cafe express! it's really remarkable!!
呢個燒容左既 Raclette Cheese 放落塊餅度.. wa... 真係.. 啖啖都係咸咸地既cheese 鍾意食芝士既人..真係唔可以錯過
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除了生蠔作主打外,這裡的冷盤海鮮還有長腳蟹爪、龍蝦仔和青口。當中的亮點絕對是長腳蟹爪 In addition to oysters as the main outside, where there are long-legged crab claw cold seafood, lobster larvae and mussels. Among the highlights is definitely a long-legged crab claw, it is a giant crab claw feet,the meat is quiet sweet! Alaska long-legged crab flavor is great!! really very juicy! !
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1/F, Hotel Panorama By Rhombus, 8A Hart Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui
3550 0275
Mon-Sun: 06:30-00:00
resources: SPD4459SPD4459SPD4459SPD4459SPD4459SPD4459SPD4459SPD4459SPD4459SPD4459SPD4459SPD4459